Morning Malaysian :')
Today, new glossary in shipping for word D . Let's we check ~ Heee :D
D & HDangerous and Hazardous. (Also see "Dangerous Goods")
D.W.Dead Weight. The number of tons a ship can transport of cargo, stores and bunker fuel. (Also see "Deadweight Tonnage")
Dangerous GoodsThe term used by I.M.C.O. for hazardous materials which are capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety or property while being transported.
DDCDestination Delivery Charges. A charge assessed by the carrier for handling positioning of a full container.
Dead SpaceSpace in a car, truck, vessel, etc., that is not utilized.
Deadweight Tonnage (D/W)The number of total weight tons that a vessel can transport of cargo, stores and bunker fuel. It is the difference between the number of tons of water a vessel displaces "light" and the number of tons it displaces when submerged to the "load line."
Dedicated Unit TrainAn unit train operated by various railroads for exclusive usage.
Delivery OrderA document authorizing delivery to a nominated party of goods in the care of a third party. Can be issued by a carrier on surrender of a bill of lading and then used by the merchant to transfer title by endorsement.
Depot ContainerContainer freight station or a designated area where empty containers can be picked up or dropped off.
DestinationThe place where the carrier actually turns over the cargo to consignee or his agent.
DetentionCharges raised for detaining container/trailer at customer premises for longer period than provided in Tariff.
Detention ChargeSee "Detention".
DevanningThe removal of cargo from a container. Also known as unstuffing, unloading or stripping.
DFGDynamic Flow Guidelines -- which is used to control the on-land stock level of each region taking into account of the traffic pattern and local vanning/devanning dwell time. The shortest the dwell time, the lowest the DFG and the more efficient the equipment utilization will be.
Differential RateAn amount added or deducted from base rate to make a rate to or from some other point or via another route.
DiversionA change made in the route of a shipment in transit.
DivertThe route of a shipment changed in transit from that shown on the original billing. Used interchangeably with reconsign.
Dock(a) The water alongside a pier or wharf. (b) Loading or unloading platform at an industrial location or carrier terminal.
Dock ReceiptA form used to acknowledge receipt of cargo at a steamship pier. When delivery of a foreign shipment is completed, the dock receipt is surrendered to the vessel operator or the operator's agent and serves as basis for preparation of the ocean bill of lading.
Door-to-DoorThrough transportation of a container and its contents from consignor's premises to consignee's premises.
Double-Deck LoadA second tier of cargo placed on top of the first tier.
DrayA truck or other equipment designed to haul heavy loads.
DrayageCharge made for local hauling by dray or truck.
Dry CargoCargo that does not require temperature control.
Dry DockAn enclosed basin into which a ship is taken for underwater cleaning and repairing. It is fitted with watertight entrance gates which when closed permit the dock to be pumped dry.
Dry-Bulk ContainerA container constructed to carry grain, powder and other free flowing solids in bulk.
DSTDouble Stack Train. Rail or train capable of carrying two 40' containers, one on top of the other.
Dunnage (Dge.)Lumber or other material used to brace material in carrier's equipment.
Dwell TimeIt is expressed in term of no. of day that a container changed from one status to another e.g. from under inbound load (UIL) to empty available (MTA) to under outbound load (UOL). The shorter the dwell time, the more efficient the container utilization will be.
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